Volunteer Spotlight

Julianne S. first learned about One House at a Time through a donation drive in September 2020. After donating some gently used books, she reached out to us about safe volunteer options during this time of uncertainty. A retired teacher and librarian, Julianne has been using her knowledge of and passion for literature to help us sort through book donations, and package them by age to go to our Beds for Kids program children and young adults. She has been safely doing so, lovingly creating book packages from home, for the last six months.

Early on, Julianne recognized that the books donated to OHAAT don’t always have characters that reflect each of the populations that we serve. She felt that children of all races and backgrounds deserve to see themselves in the stories and pages that are gifted to them. Julianne has helped to identify many beautiful, diverse, and award winning titles that have been added to our wishlists. Thank you, Julianne, for your many hours of dedication to Beds for Kids, and for broadening our book packets to be more inclusive!

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