MLK Day of Service UPDATE

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead⁣

⁣What a wonderful day of service this past January! Despite this year's challenges, friends of OHAAT stepped up to help children in the Greater Philadelphia area have a good night sleep through the Beds for Kids program. We had a steady stream of donations coming in all day (and a few large collections), volunteers picking up gently used items to wash at home, and even a few families who were able to sort through donations and pack two weeks worth of bedtime bags. ⁣

There are also a few groups who held take and make projects where volunteers picked up materials to make no-sew blankets as well as tote bags safely at home. We are so grateful for the very generous support of our community this day and every day to ensure children have what they need to live healthy, successful lives

Kate FayComment