Summer Fun(draising)!

OHAAT hopes to find you happy and healthy as we welcome the summer months. There is an added air of excitement at OHAAT this year as we are celebrating our 25th year of serving children in need in our community! In our 25 years together, we have delivered over 15,000 beds to children who now have a bed to call their own! We hope you will join us to celebrate this momentous year at our event on September 21st! 

Whilst this is an achievement we can all be extremely proud of there is still a lot of work to be done. Twenty-six percent (26%) of Philadelphians live below the federal poverty level, including 37% (126,000) children.  

Thanks to your generosity, so far this year alone over 1000 children have received a bed, blankets, sheets, a quilt, a pillow, a toothbrush, a stuffed animal, and bedtime books of their very own. We are receiving a huge amount of referrals each month, and more children are still being referred to us every day. Thanks to you, these little ones will now be able to go to bed in a clean, safe and warm bed each night to get the sleep they need to thrive, something many of us take for granted. On their behalf, thank you for your support. 

Every day we receive more referrals and requests to help families who are struggling, to help children like Joanna, an 11-year-old girl. Joanna and her mom had been sleeping in their car when they became homeless after their rent was increased sharply after the pandemic. They stayed in motels for a short time but that quickly became too expensive. Thanks to the help from the social worker at Joanna’s school they have now been able to find an apartment they can afford and although Joanna’s Mom works as many hours as she can, there is very little left over at the end of each week to replace everything they lost. Thanks to your generosity Joanna now has a bed of her own to sleep in each night and a place to do her homework! 

*all names have been changed to protect the privacy of the families we serve 

We are so grateful to have supporters like you who make the Beds for Kids program possible!  

Today, we embark on our annual Summer Fundraising Campaign. Our goal is to be able to continue to provide beds for more families in need by raising $25,000, to mark this very special year for One House at a Time. But we can’t do it without help. Will you consider donating to help us continue to provide this much-needed program to children in need who don’t know what it’s like to have a bed of their own? 

We need your help. Will you please consider giving the gift of a good night’s sleeps to children in our community who do not know what it’s like to have a bed of their own?  

  • Just $37 covers the cost of a bedtime bag which includes a sheet set, blankets, a pillow, books, a stuffed animal and toothbrush.  

  • $210 provides all of those things PLUS a brand-new bed frame and memory foam mattress for one child in need. 

  • $448 provides a bunk bed and bedtime bags for two children in need.  

With your support, we will impact our community in a lasting way! Will you please consider making a donation and changing a child’s life forever? Please join us using our online donation form at We need friends like you to let these children know they matter.  

Again, a HUGE thank you from all of us for helping to make the Beds for Kids program possible. Together we can continue this important work. We hope we can continue to count on your support.  


Kate FayComment