PrintRunner Nonprofit Sponsorship Program supports OHAAT Beds for Kids Sleep Education

PrintRunner Nonprofit Sponsorship Program supports OHAAT Beds for Kids Sleep Education

We're excited to have the support of PrintRunner, an online printing resource located in Van Nuys, California! Their Nonprofit Sponsorship Program was created to help organizations like OHAAT get high-quality printing at a reduced cost. They help us with things like signs and banners, but more importantly, with custom-printed bookmarks and magnets for the educational component of our Beds for Kids program. Along with their new beds, bedding, books, toothbrushes, and stuffed animals, children in the program receive bookmarks and magnets with four healthy sleep habits:

  1. Go to bed at the same time every night

  2. Follow a bedtime routine

  3. Keep electronics out of the bedroom

  4. Avoid drinks with caffeine

PrintRunner High Quality Printing

These habits have been proven to significantly improve children's sleep, including in OHAAT's own research study! Thank you, PrintRunner, for supporting OHAAT and helping more children learn these effective sleep habits!


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Rich Sedmak