Board Spotlight: Denise Spillane-Giroux

Denise Spillane Giroux Headshot.jpg

Denise Spillane-Giroux is a marketing professional working to help healthcare providers educate their patients. Her passion for OHAAT's mission inspires us everyday as we are so lucky to have Denise’s support. We asked Denise some questions about her career and her involvement with OHAAT and this is what she said:

1. What is your profession and what inspired you to pursue a career in this field?

I am the national marketing leader for a healthcare technology company that helps healthcare providers to engage and educate patients. I’ve focused my career on the business-side of healthcare. My father worked in maintenance at our town’s hospital, when I was a kid, and I remember being enamored with the hospital’s role in the community and all of the different people who made it run. Plus, the gift shop always had the best candy.

2. What is your favorite part of your job?

The healthcare industry is always evolving, as are marketing techniques and technologies. It’s exhilarating working with my team and testing creative new ways to market our company.

3. How did you come to be a part of the OHAAT Board of Directors?

I was looking for an area not-for-profit to volunteer with, learned about OHAAT through LinkedIn, and was impressed with OHAAT’s history, operating model, and tremendous impact in this community.

4. What about the OHAAT mission and work really motivates you?

There are so many sources of motivation! From the joyful reactions of the families on delivery day to the committed volunteers who show up in the bitter cold and blazing heat. Right now, it’s also the mental image of a kid, facing all the confusion and disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, and not having a bed of their own to retreat to for comfort, sleep, and safety. With the current unemployment rates, the need for OHAAT’s services will only grow.

5. What message would you like to share with OHAAT friends and supporters?

First, thank you for offering your time, talent, or contributions to help sustain OHAAT’s mission. Second, help extend our reach by following OHAAT’s social media channels and liking, commenting, and sharing posts. As a small, community-based organization, word of mouth is vitally important.

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