Bed for Kids Campaign Surpasses Goal

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Reflecting on the events of the first half of this year, we can’t help but be grateful for all of your support for the Beds for Kids Program. Throughout this unprecedented, and often difficult time, we have continued to serve families through contactless deliveries, all thanks to the generosity of our new and long-time supporters! 

We set a goal for our summer fundraising campaign to reach $10,000 in gifts, and we are so thrilled to announce that we surpassed our goal! Raising $14,291 since August, we can't thank our donors enough for your generosity.

Thank You Summer 2020 Campaign Donors!*

The Axelrod Household
The Breckenridge Household
The Brown Household
The Burger Household
Chalfont Methodist Church
Cloues Family Charitable Fund
The Eyer Household
The Fuchs Household
The Garvin Household
The Goetz Household
The Graber Household
The Hanna Household
The Harrington Household
The Henricks Household
The Hollenbach Household
The Holt Household
The Hunter Household
The Irwin Household
The Jeske Household
The Johnson Household
The Jones Household
The Kelly Household
The Kelso Household
The Kiner Household
The Kooman Household
The Kratz Household
The Kurtz Household
The Larsen Household
The Long Household
The Lyles Household
The Mayer Household
The McCormick Household
The McKale Household
The Monahan Household
The Moritz Household
The Munn McGlynn Household
The Muth Household
The Olsen Houshold
The Opert Household
The Patton Household
The Pittman Household
The Ranieri Household
The Rappaport Household
The Reitz Household
The Rentz Household
The Roberts Household
The Rozanski Household
The Senour Household
The Servey Household
The Shrager Household
The C. Smith Household
The L. Smith Household
The Sprague Household
The Steur Household
The Stielow Household
The Stokes Household
The Sullivan Household
The Spillane-Giroux Household
The Thompson Household
The Troy Household
The Valenti Household
The Van Orden Household
The Vineburg Household
The Williamson Household
The Ziegler Household

*Donors are listed as of 9/30/2020

If you would like to participate in the summer campaign, please click here for ways to help end child bedlessness in the Greater Philadelphia area.

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